Brass & Briar Studios is Moving to India Street in Portland!

We are moving!!

After 5 years on Spring Street, we are moving to a larger location on India Street, right here in Portland, Maine!

We are so happy to be able to grow our shop in this supportive community. Our clients, friends, and coworkers have made this all possible and we could not be more grateful!

Our new shop location is 85 India Street, Portland Maine.

We are still in a transition period with moving into our new location so any client with an appointment through the month of March will be contacted directly by their artist to confirm the location of their standing appointment, whether it is at the old location or the new one.

Please keep an eye on your emails and our Instagram posts for more information on new artists joining our team, guest spot information, new merchandise, and new services like piercings and more!

We really appreciate all your understanding in advance with all the moving parts during this time.

For any general questions please reach out to otherwise please contact your artist directly for questions about your appointment or future booking.

Our website will also be going through an overhaul so keep an eye out for new information at


Introducing New Piercing Services and Piercer at Brass & Briar Studios